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Clear Brain Fog

Struggling With Brain Fog?

“I’m having trouble retrieving words, staying focused and I have to think about thinking…is it just age or should I be worried?”

Sound like it could be brain fog.

Brain fog is challenging to describe and diagnose, as it often has multiple causes. It can feel like a low energy state where it’s hard to focus and even harder to get anything done. It ‘s incredibly off-putting, disrupting your daily life and productivity. Often linked to inflammation, brain fog can be frustrating, but don’t worry—there are many ways to alleviate it. In this article, we’ll explore some tips and techniques that can help you reduce brain fog and feel more like yourself again


6 Steps to Eliminate Brain Fog:

1.Go Outside

   Making time to go outside  allows the muscles of your eyes to relax (away from screens) while trees and sunshine give off chemicals that lower stress levels. Studies show us that 5-10 minutes outside in the first half of your day go a long way to setting your circadian rhythms, improving sleep, and lowering your cortisol and inflammation.


You heal when you sleep… you don’t when you don’t. See if you can stay off devices and try not to eat anything for 2-3 hours before bed. For more information listen to best-selling author Matthew Walker share Why Sleep is Your Superpower.

3.Get adjusted

If the nerves (particularly in your neck) are not functioning properly due to tension and locked joints, you may suffer from increased inflammation, headaches, brain fog issues, vertigo, and much more. Research shows us that getting adjusted and keeping your spine healthy reduce inflammation and tension levels. Make an appointment to get checked by one of our chiropractors.

4.Reduce inflammatory eating

   Speak to a nutritionist who can help you balance your blood sugars and clean up inflammatory foods intake. Gut health has everything to do with brain health, mood, and vitality. The nutritionists at Shulman Weightloss really are the best at helping you master this! Our 1-on-1 personalized and private programs are hormonally balanced, anti-inflammatory, and absolutely easy and delicious.

5.Wim Hof Breathing Method

   Wim Hof is not for everybody. If you love your comfort zones you will find his techniques intense. In fact, I wasn’t even sure it was for me… until I tried it. Wim Hof created a deep breathing and cold water therapy technique that is spreading like wildfire. 

This technique uses the body’s ability to heal itself while maximizing strength and reducing inflammation. By oxygenating the body through rhythmic breathing and exposing it to cold, it “turns on” the immune system in ways that are blowing the minds of scientists and enthusiasts. Researchers have studied its positive effect on autoimmune diseases and viruses. There’s a ton of info on the web and you can find his online course here: https://www.wimhofmethod.com. Both doctors have put this in our daily routine and had the opportunity to meet and chat with Wim a few years ago. They can personally attest to many benefits from this method. (If you get a chance to see him personally, he is very charismatic and entertaining.)



A note about Wim Hof from Dr. Laina:

   I first tried this technique because I’m fascinated with the untapped potential of the body to heal. Wim’s premise made sense, and his enthusiasm is contagious. At the time I was beginning to experience some “brain fog” that was distressing to me. I was having moments where I had to “focus on focusing”. I could relieve the issue through adjustments and a clean diet but they never completely disappeared.

I began Wim Hof’s breathing technique with a healthy skepticism but the results were fairly immediate and undeniable. Not only did my endurance and strength improve, I’ve not had another brain fog episode since beginning this technique. The sense of well-being that accompanies regular practice borders on addictive. I also use his cold water immersion technique and am impressed with the results. I’ve recommended this to many people who have had similar results. It is worth repeating, this technique is not for everyone. You’ll need a love of adventure and getting outside your box.

6. Move

   Movement of all kinds is extremely helpful at reducing brain fog and all types of inflammation. We know it’s hard to find time to move with our busy lives that have us stuck in front of the screen. That’s why we’ve created short 5-minute routines that move your entire body. Try one of the following routines and you’ll be amazed at the difference 5 minutes can make:


Brain fog is isn’t a life sentence. With a little patience and persistence, you can overcome brain fog and get back to feeling like yourself again.

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